Monday, March 29, 2010

Kitties Big Adventure To Grandma's House and Other Stories...

Warning – this post is almost entirely about our cats. Sorry – but, it was bound to happen eventually.

Friday we started our trip. Our Big-Ass Trip to just about everywhere in the Universe. Well, sorta everywhere.  The first leg of our trip was from our place in Northern California to Pico Rivera in Southern California. We drove WITH our two cats. They are gonna stay in SoCal with their Grandma while we are away. We weighed LOTS of options and nothing really seemed awesome. The BEST idea we could come up with was traveling with them and staying at Motel 6 along the way so that we could bring them into the room with us. But THAT was a suckie option. Then Danielle’s mom offered to keep them for us. Freaking WOOT!

In preparation to drive the poor kits to LA, we found nifty homeopathic drops that we have started calling Kitty Calm. We also bought catnip tincture. Both cats LOVED the Kitty Calm .. The catnip tincture? Heh, not so much. If you plan on traveling with pets, You NEED To Get This Stuff! Wow!

But, even with the Kitty Calm, the kits were still freaked and cried pretty constantly for the first 20 or 30 minutes, then sporadically for another 30 minutes.  After that, they were mostly ok unless we looked at them or said their names, or stopped the car, and then they would start crying again. And poor Baby Kitty was the worst. She was so pathetic and confused.

Did I mention that Danielle’s mom has a cat? No. No, I didn’t. Well, she does. A freaking insane 13 +/- year old calico. And by “freaking insane” I mean mildly psychotic.

We made really great time to Pico. We unloaded the kitties and like a cracked out dumb-ass, I let both Penny and baby Kitty out of their carriers into the house with the psychalico. No preamble. No introduction. No, I didn’t let them loose in a back bedroom so that they could sniff each other under the door. I just let the kits loose.

Take a wild guess as to how THAT brainfart smelled … go ahead.


So, Penny, my 19 year old, deaf, toothless, clawless kitty was cornered by Psychalico. They were under the table and Penny couldn’t get away. I climbed under the table to try and grab Penny. Psychalico was determined to destroy the Interloper-Formerly-Known-As-Penny. She didn’t even see me under the table. I had to swat at her a few times just to get her attention. Once I had it, I wasn’t so sure I wanted it. She looked at me, squared up to me and was fully prepared to take me on.

“Oh Shit”, I thought.

So, I swatted at her a few more times. She didn’t like that much then backed off enough for me to get Penny.

The night ended with us locking Psychalico in the front bedroom with a litter box, food and water.  Penny and Baby Kitty roamed the house and sniffed everything and found all the good hiding places. You see, Penny and Baby Kitty are tiny, skinny kitties and Psychalico is a very VERY fat cat. Portly. Obese. Rotund. Rubenesque. Only, you know, a cat. So Penny and Baby Kitty would be able to get into tiny hidie-holes the Psychalico would NEVER be able get into, just in case Psychalico attacked again. 

Miles Driven - 400. Miles to go - 1,500

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